What is homeopathy ?

What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is a natural healing art based on “Diamond cuts diamond” . It means that Homeopathy treats patients with drugs similar to their disease. This wonderful and natural way of healing was discovered by Dr Samuel Hahnemann . Dr Hahnemann, after several experiences, discovered that those remedies give best results which are derived from substances that caused symptoms similar to the patient’s disease when used in non-diluted form. For example, a factor that produces headache can be used to treat headache when taken in smallest quantity. Homeopathy is totally different from allopathic way of treatment and based on symptoms of the patients. In this context, Dr Hahnemann says “Homeopathy treat patients not diseases” . Somewhere in the Organon of Medicine, Dr Samuel Hahnemann says “ If all the symptoms be eradicated, the disease is always cured internally itself”. According to Dr Ke...