Cuprum Met
Common Homeo Name = Cuprum Met Full name = Cuprum Metallicum Full name = Cuprum Metallicum Abbreviated Name = Cupr. English / Chemical Name = Copper Guiding Symptoms . More vomiting as compare to any other remedy. In epilepsy, aura starts from knees and go up to hypogastrium region. I ntermittent contraction , seizure, contractive, and cruel pain, are some of the guiding symptoms of this remedy. All the Symptoms begin from left side (compare with Lachesis in this condition). Symptoms feeling like to come into view occasionally and in clusters. Head Symptoms . Faintness comes with many disorders and head falls on the chest. Speaks without premeditated. Purple like red puffiness of head with seizure. Battered pain feels in brain and eyes on turning. Feeling of water in head. Mouth Symptoms . Stumbling talking. Steady overhang and withdrawal of the tongue like a snake (compare with Lachesis in...