
Showing posts from June, 2019

Veratrum Album

Common Homeo Name = Veratrum  Full name = Veratrum Album Abbreviated Name = Verat . English Name = White Hellebore Guiding Symptoms .      Large amount of gagging and vomiting is the first guiding symptom for the use of this remedy. Distressesness after operation and cold sweat on temples, face colored pale yellow, quick and weak pulse.  Coprophagia brutal desire which changes at once into quietness patient wants to be left alone. F reezing sweat on the forehead .  Extreme aridity of mucous exterior. N ausea and spasm in the outer organs. Mind Symptoms .   Patient drifting here and there without any reason. Wish for cutting and tearing things. sits in an abnormal way and does not think about anything. Crying and weeping during night time. Passion of thrillness, scream and weeps. Hallucination and pain in the body. Depressed, state of trance and mania present.  Patient imagine that he ha...


Common Homeo Name =  Glonoin Full name =  Glonoinum Abbreviated Name =  Glon. English / Chemical Name =  Nitroglycerine Guiding Symptoms.  R olling of blood towards head and heart. L eaning to unexpected and brutal indiscretions of the passage. High weariness, no desire to work, tremendous touchiness, easily thrilled by little resistance, finishing in congestive head symptoms. It is a great remedy for congestive headaches, hyperemia of the mind due to excess of warmth or freezing. Topical German proving of this remedy verify the original American proving and experimental signs and find great nerve disturbances. Outstanding remedy for the intercranial, climacteric disturbances or due to menstrual containment. Lumbago in atheromatous issue with chilly dried-up limb sea infection. Babies get ill when sitting near fire. Brutal seizure, along with intellectual overcrowding. F eeling of throb in the body. The sixth potency is producing ...

Symphytum Officinale

Common Homeo Name = Symphytum Full name = Symphytum Officinale Abbreviated Name = Symph . English Name = Comfrey Guiding Symptoms .     This remedy acts on joints usually. Hurt to ligaments, tendons and the periosteum. It may be control within in the behavior of gastric and duodenal wounds. P erforate pain  and tenderness of periosteum. Also used in gastralgia and locally in pruritus of anus. The root surrounded with a crystalline solid that arouses the escalation of epithelium on injured surfaces. It is also be used in injuries piercing to perineum and for in non joining together of fractured bones, bad-tempered remnant after elimination, prickly bone at fracture area. Neuralgia of knee joints. Head Symptoms .  Pain in the bone of nose. Tenderness of mediocre maxillary bone, redness and inflammation. Pain in occiput, top and temple. Eyes Symptoms .  This remedy has a swift   act on disturbing wounds of the ...

Drosera Rotundifolia

Common Homeo Name = Drosera Full name = Drosera Rotundifolia Abbreviated Name = Dros. English Name = Sundew Guiding Symptoms .      This remedy acts in Laryngeal phthisis. This remedy can break down conflict to tubercle and therefore it is capable to raise it. Pains appear in hip joint. This remedy greatly affects respiratory organs. It is pointed out by Dr. Hahnemann as the major remedy for whooping cough. Phthisis pulmonum, vomiting of food while coughing with gastric frustration and copious expectoration. Head Symptoms . Left side of face remains cold with hurtful pains and dry warmth of right side . Dizziness while walking in open air with leaning to be fell down to the left side . Respiratory Symptoms . Irregular, rubbing feeling profound in the fauces and soft appetite. Cough very deep and gruff which worsens after midnight. Yellow color expectoration with hemorrhage from nose and mouth . Profound and husky tone . Asth...

Spongia Tosta

Common Homeo Name = Spongia Full name = Spongia Tosta Abbreviated Name = Sponged . English Name = Roasted Sponge Guiding Symptoms. Babies having clear and white color and distended glands. It is also useful in respiratory organs and cough. N ervousness and difficult inhalation. Tiredness and heaviness of the body with physical work. Mind Symptoms .  Cough aggravated by excitement. Nervousness and terror found in the patient. Stomach Symptoms .   Patient suffers from regular hiccough. He can’t bear stretched dressing. Intense desire for water and meal. Male Symptoms .  Patient feels s ex organs hot. Orchitis inflammation of spermatic cord and testes.   Female Symptoms .   Patient awakes from sleep due to very bad smell of menses (compare with Lachesis and Cuprum met in this condition). Symptoms of amenorrhea appears (compare with Pulsatella in this condition). Pain in sacrum followed by menses. ...

Dioscorea Villosa

Common Homeo Name = Dioscorea Full name = Dioscorea Villosa Abbreviated Name = Dios. English Name = Wild Yam Guiding Symptoms .      It is one of the best polychrest remedies of the Materia Medica. This remedy acts well in patients of shabby digestion, found of tea with more flatulence. It also give better results in gallstone pain. Can be used for many kinds of pain , particularly cruel painful affection of abdominal and pelvic internal organs. Mind Symptoms . Patient forgets name of persons and things while talking. Head Symptoms . Bustling feels in head. Monotonous pain in temples area which better from pressing. Heart Symptoms . Flatulence and pain in upper body and stiffness all over the body. Angina pectoris pain goes from sternum into arms, difficult inhalation, weak action of heart . Stomach Symptoms . T umbling at the hollow of the stomach. Producing of large amount of odious gas. Tearing pain in epigastriu...

Natrum Phosphoricum

Common Homeo Name = Natrum Phos Full name = Natrum Phosphoricum Abbreviated Name = Nat-p . English / Chemical Name = Sodium Phosphate Guiding Symptoms.      Irritation of throat with feeling of a swelling in throat. Abdominal pain with indications of worms. Bad effect due to  surplus acidity . Bitter eructations and flavor. Furious of joints.  This remedy is used for situation occurs from overload of lactic acid. Flatulence with bitter going up. C ream color covering on mouth and tongue.              Mind Symptoms . Frightened exists. Patient thinks that hi is waking at night and that he listening stepping sound in the other room. Male Symptoms .   Patient suffers from gonorrhea. wish for sex but no erection. Discharge without dreams and weakness in back and wavering in arms and legs . Female Symptoms .  Leucorrhea complaints. Cream color or acidic discharge. Mens...