Veratrum Album
Common Homeo Name = Veratrum Full name = Veratrum Album Abbreviated Name = Verat . English Name = White Hellebore Guiding Symptoms . Large amount of gagging and vomiting is the first guiding symptom for the use of this remedy. Distressesness after operation and cold sweat on temples, face colored pale yellow, quick and weak pulse. Coprophagia brutal desire which changes at once into quietness patient wants to be left alone. F reezing sweat on the forehead . Extreme aridity of mucous exterior. N ausea and spasm in the outer organs. Mind Symptoms . Patient drifting here and there without any reason. Wish for cutting and tearing things. sits in an abnormal way and does not think about anything. Crying and weeping during night time. Passion of thrillness, scream and weeps. Hallucination and pain in the body. Depressed, state of trance and mania present. Patient imagine that he ha...