
Showing posts from October, 2024

Different Types of Cough and it's Homeopathic Treatment

Understanding Coughs: Its Types, Avoidance Strategies, and Homeopathic Approach A cough is a protective mechanism which serves the purpose of expelling irritants from the airways. Nevertheless, it should be noted that excessive or intense coughing may cause discomfort, and may reflect other health concerns. In this guide, we will discuss various types of coughs, prevention methods, and some useful homeopathic remedies. Types of Cough Acute Cough Duration: This type is short-term and lasts less than 3 weeks. Causes: Most often caused by the common cold, flu, or bronchitis. Symptoms: More or less includes a sore throat, blocked nose, or sometimes a low-grade fever. Subacute Cough Duration: It persists between 3 to 8 weeks. Causes: This may occur after an upper respiratory tract infection accompanied by post-infection otitis media. Symptoms: It is characterized by dry or moist dyspnea, sometimes with loose mucus. Chronic Cough Duration: Sometimes can last longer than 8 weeks. Causes: Chro...

Body Mass Index BMI

Understanding The Relevance Of Tracking Your BMI Understanding The Relevance Of Tracking Your BMI In Its Implementation Your BMI (Body Mass Index) acts like a sentinel that warns you against unhealthy practices that could lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, or cardiovascular issues. Regularly reassessing your BMI will help you check whether you have been gaining weight and provide you with realistic fitness targets that you are able to achieve. Additionally, when accompanied by proper meal plans and discipline in exercising, knowing your BMI can be beneficial to your overall health as well as extend your longevity. Today is a great day to start measuring your BMI and taking control of your health. Standard BMI Chart BMI Range Category Below 18.5 Underweight 18.5 - 24.9 Normal Weight ...


Homeopathic Remedy Selector Select Symptoms Mind Symptoms: Anxiety Fear Confusion Apathy Head Symptoms: Severe headache Dull headache Throbbing headache Abdomen Symptoms: Nausea Bloating Colicky pain Find Remedies Available Remedies Homeopathic Remedies Mind Head Abdomen Men Female Others Potency Dosage Arnica Anxiety Severe headache Nausea Prostate issues Painful menstruation Digestive issues 30C 3-5 drops, 3x/day ...


S No | Homeopathic Remedy | Mind | Head | Abdomen | Men | Female | Others | Potency | Dosage | |------|---------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------|-----------------|-----------------| | 1 | Aconitum Napellus | Anxiety, restlessness | Headache, throbbing | Abdominal cramping | Testicular pain | Menstrual irregularities | Fever, dry cough | 30C | 3-5 drops, 3x/day | | 2 | Allium Cepa | Irritability, anger | Throbbing headache | Abdominal bloating ...