
Common Homeo Name = Hypericum Full name = Hypericum Perforatum Abbreviated Name = Hyper . Guiding Symptoms:- Compacted fingers. Extreme distress is a marking symptom to this remedy. Relieves post operative pains. Quite take over from the use of morphia after operations. Remedy for injuries of nervous system of fingers, toes and nails etc. Contraction after every injury. Neuritis, scratchy, blazing and lack of sensation. Has an great action on the rectum and renal hemorrhoids. I ntermittent asthmatic assail with changes of weather or before storms which relieves by abundant expectoration. Injured nerves due to animal bites. Mind Symptoms . S pecial effects of distress. Patient feels that he is lifted in the air, or nervousness that he will be fall from heights. Downhearted condition present. Doing mistakes while writing. Extremity . H eaving in hand and feet. Heaviness in arms. Spasm in calv...